Auditory Dimensions, LLC is designed to provide improved listening opportunities in a very personalized way. Located in Springfield, NJ, all appointments are scheduled to suit your availability and accessibility. Improved listening can be accomplished by wearing hearing aids, utilizing amplified phones/TVs/alarms (assistive listening devices) and/or participating in sessions to train visual and auditory reception. Small group sessions address psycho-social aspects of hearing impairment.
Caption Call Provider
New Jersey Hearing Aid Project (NJHAP) Provider
Advisor Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) Morris County
Jeanne E. Graulich, MA, is an American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) certified audiologist. She is licensed by the state of New Jersey as both an audiologist and a hearing aid dispenser. Jeanne is a member of the New Jersey Association for Hearing Health Professionals (NJAHHP) and is and NJ Hearing Aid Project Provider (NJHAP). She serves as an adviser to the Morris County Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), NJ state chapter.
Jeanne brings over 30 years of expertise fitting hearing aids. Jeanne believes every hearing-impaired person deserves individualized care designed to meet his or her specific amplification needs. Extra time or instruction is provided as warranted. Referral to other professionals, i.e. physicians, dentists, psychologists or even physical therapist can be appropriate.
Auditory Dimensions, LLC works with very basic to very advanced digital hearing aids. These are available in all size models from completely hidden within the ear canal to mini behind-the-ear models.
Digital hearing aids are multi-memory for various listening environments. The technology allows for automatic and manual adjustments to ensure comfortable listening. Auditory Dimensions has the flexibility to program a specific memory of the hearing aid at the location! Examples include a specific memory programmed at a noisy restaurant; a specific memory programmed at a theatre or place of worship; a specific memory programmed at a job setting; or a specific memory programmed at home for television, telephone or conversations.